Chosen Issues of Translation

Chosen Issues of Translation

(by Anna Majkiewicz)


  • the myths of translation (review of popular statements) – myth concerning intranslatability, myth concerning literal translation, myth concerning functional translation, translation as a communicative act and its intentional interaction, receiver’s cognitive horizon when creating new text, translation as an intercultural phenomena, alienated versus familiarized translation (Schleiermacher’s conception); the influence of social culture, text as the message, criteria of the text that direct translator’s decisions when creating new text – examples of the texts that do not meet the criteria of textuality, using the theory of text in glottodydactics, contact points of translation and glottodydactics
  • division of the texts on account of translation specificity (oral: written, written: technical and artistic, specificity of translating artistic works (examples); description of the translation phenomena of three codes based on specific examples (lexical-semantic code, cultural code, aesthetic code); literature for children – uniqueness, function, difficulty in translating (examples); level of receiving (double-receiver, ageing translations, influence of extraliteral conditions, illustrations, popularity of free translation, comparison of different stylistic conventions: the author’s, cultural, the translator’s); lexical-syntactical level (types of mistakes, word plays and methods for their translations, naturalization of the text phenomena, cultural elements and the strategy of their translation, stylistic level: heroicomic, poetically-sentimental, pseudo-intellectual, children’s, magic, rhyming parts (3 strategies of translation: knowledge of the language of translation, of the language of the original, of the language in between translation and the original); meaning of the artistic works in glottodidactics
  • translation of texts to be sung: songs (uniqueness of the text and its translation); translation to be used by the cinema – dubbing translation (definition, relevance in case of word form, way of interpretation and move of actors’ lips, synchronization, free adaptation, the role of stand-in, criteria for translation estimation, subtitles (uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages of that kind of translation, role of the translator, methods and types of translating, read dialogue track (Polish tradition and its factors); division of non-artistic works and their translation uniqueness (functional texts, technical: common and specialist etc.), competence of specialist texts’ translators, oral translation: simultaneous and consecutive (features, differences, specification of work, requirements demanded to the oral translators); possibilities to use knowledge in the field of translation of the presented texts in teaching foreign languages
  • type and variant of the text and its functions – conditions needed to be fulfilled in case of proper translation (examples), translatological analysis of the text before the translation process, deciding on the strategy of translation, examples of translation solution on the basis of the chosen texts ( translator’s strategy, translation estimation, degree of considering and saving intratextual and outertextual conditions) – group work and presentation of the results in a forum; translation problems and their relations with the situations in glottodidactic process (lack of symmetry, lack of equivalents etc.); searching for original texts and their translations and assessment in terms of retaining the function, genre and correctness adjunction;
  • specificity of title translation (title as an distinct text), cultural factors – examples, presentation of the texts by the students (discussion), use of knowledge in the field of translation in teaching foreign language

Basic literature:

Adamczyk-Garbowska M., Polskie tłumaczenia angielskiej literatury dziecięcej. Problemy krytyki przekładu, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź 1988.
Barańczak S., Ocalone w tłumaczeniu, Poznań 1994.
Krysztofiak M., Przekład literacki a translatologia, Poznań 1999.
Lipiński K., Vademecum tłumacza, Kraków 2000.
Majkiewicz A., Wybrane zagadnienia przekładu i ich użyteczność w glottodydaktyce, w: Sztuka czy rzemiosło? Nauczyć Polski i polskiego, red. A. Achtelik, J. Tambor, Katowice 2007.
Pieńkos J., Podstawy przekładoznawstwa. Od teorii do praktyki, Zakamycze 2003.
Pisarska A., Tomaszkiewicz T., Współczesne tendencje przekładoznawcze, Poznań 1996.
Tabakowska E., O przekładzie na przykładzie, Kraków 1999.
Voellnagel A., Jak nie tłumaczyć tekstów technicznych, Warszawa 1985.
Seria Studia o przekładzie, red. P. Fast. Katowice (tomy tematyczne) oraz seria Między oryginałem a przekładem, red. M. Filipowicz-Rudek, U. Kropiwiec. Kraków (tomy tematyczne).