Turniej Tłumaczy 2003

Konstanty I. Gałczyński
Rozmowa liryczna

Love’s Whispers

  - Tell me of your love.
  - I will
  - Well?

I love you in the sunshine, and by candle light. I love you whatever hat you wear.
In a wicked wind on the open roadand at a concert.
Under the lilac and every other tree.
And as you sleep or when you are busy at your work.
And as you gently tap your egg –
even when you drop the spoon.
In a cab. An in a car. It does not matter which.
And at every journey’s end. And in the beginning.
And when you comb and groom your hair.
In bad times. and on the carousel.
In the sea. In the hills. In boots. And barefoot.
Today. Yesterday. And Tomorrow. Day and night.
And in spring when the swallow comes.
  - In summer, how do you love me?
  - With all of sumer’s fullness.
  - In autumn then, with cloudy moody days?
  - Even when you loose your parasol.
  - And when winter frost the window frames?
  - In winter I love you like a happy flame.
Close to your heart, embracing it.
And beyond the fire, snow. Crows in the snow.

Przetłumaczone na język angielski przez:
Jadwiga Saba (Australia)

A Lyrical Conversation

  - Tell me how much you love me.
  - I’ll tell you…
  - Well…

I love you in the sunshine and by the light of candles.
I love you in a hat and in a beret.
On a windy road, and in a concert.
Among the lilacs, and birches, raspberries and maples.
And when you sleep.
And when you’re hard at work.
And when you open eggs –
even when you let a spoon fall.
In a taxi. And in a car.
Without exception.
At the end of a street. And at the beginning.
And when you part your hair with your comb.
In times of danger. And on a carousel.
In the sea. In the mountains. In galoshes.
And barefoot.
Today, yesterday and tomorrow.
By day and night.
And in spring, when the swallows land.
  - And in the summer, how much do you love me?
  - Like the year’s peak.
  - And in the fall, when there are clouds and mood swings?
  - Even when you forget the umbrella.
  - And when winter leaves a silver lining on the window sill?
   – In winter I love you like a warm fire.
Near to your heart. Right beside it.
Like the snow on the windows. Like crows in the snow.

Przetłumaczone na język angielski przez:
Patrick Sullivan (Kanada)