Turniej Tłumaczy 2008

Zbigniew Herbert
O dwu nogach pana Cogito

The Two Legs of Mr Cognito

The left leg, normal
To put it optymistically
A little too short
Chuckling muscles
With a well moulded calf

The right,
O God!
With two scars
One along the Achilles tendon
The other oval
Pale and pink
A shameful memory of his escape

The left,
A tendancy to skip and jump
To dance
With a too strong a love for life
Daring not to put itself at risk

The right,
Rigidly noble
Smerking in the face of danger

In this way
On both legs
The left, like a Sancho Pansa
And the right
Resembling a blundering knight
Mr Cognito
Thoughout the world
Stumbling slightly

na język angielski przełożyła
Caroline Borowy (Wielka Brytania)