Analysis of Culture Texts

Analysis of Culture Texts

(by Aleksandra Achtelik, Romuald Cudak, Tadeusz Miczka)


  • methods of the analysis of culture texts (the term of culture text, methods of analysis; possibilities to use them when teaching Polish as a foreign language and methods of working with culture text during seminars, program suggestion to the cycle of the classes
  • presentation of intersemiotic method – reconstruction of gestures’ meaning and the role of proxemics in communication on the basis of iconic performance analysis (e.g. the door of the cathedral in Gniezno, ars bene moriendi, medieval, renaissance and 18th century iconography etc)
  • analysis of examples of uniquely Polish culture texts: All Saints’ Day and cemetery, Corpus Christi (feast), Christmas Eve, Santa Claus etc.
  • textual character of audiovisual on-screen phenomena (textual indicators)
  • characteristics of cohesion mechanisms (problem of on-screen text coherence): rules for film narration and frame composition
  • intatextual and outertextual rules: the notion of so-called cultural context and its relation with the structure of on-screen text
  • methods of description, analyses and interpretation of on-screen culture text, material, aesthetic and ideological conditions

Basic literature:

Bauman Z., Wieloznaczność nowoczesna, nowoczesność wieloznaczna, Warszawa 1995.
Cudak R., Notatki do „analizy tekstu kultury”. Na przykładzie pogrzebu, w: Sztuka czy rzemiosło? Nauczyć Polski i polskiego, red. A. Achtelik, J. Tambor, Katowice 2007.
Encyklopedia kultury XX wieku, red. A. Kłoskowska, Warszawa 1997.
Kultura polska. Silva rerum, red. R. Cudak, J. Tambor, Katowice 2002.
Łotman J., Struktura tekstu artystycznego, przeł. A. Tanalska, Warszawa 1984.
Semiotyka kultury, wyb. i oprac. E. Janus, M.R. Mayenowa, Warszawa 1970.
Żółkiewski S., Wiedza o kulturze literackiej. Główne pojęcia, Warszawa 1980.