Basics of Phonetics and the Rules of Correct Pronunciation

Basics of Phonetics and the Rules of Correct Pronunciation

(by Jolanta Tambor, Jagna Malejka)


  • specificity of difficulties in learning Polish sounds for different groups of foreigners with showing examples of exercises
  • phonetic and distinctive features of Polish sounds
  • description of phonetic alphabets (Slavic and API)
  • optional variants (for example: acceptability of pronouncing so-called French ‘r’, dental ‘ł’) and positional variants
  • rules of correct Polish pronunciation


  • ways of Polish sounds’ description: schematic roentgenograms (interpreting and producing – drawing, showing by means of hands), labiograms (for vowels and labial consonants), palatograms (as an example), a video cassette, computer programs
  • differences between spelling and pronunciation: sound – letter relation, multi-symbols, the function of letter i, quantitative and qualitative differences
  • consonantal character of Polish language; unique sounds characteristic to Polish language, consonant combinations
  • rules of correct Polish pronunciation: acceptable assimilations and simplifying of sound groups, unacceptable simplifications often leading to communication disoders and misunderstandings, phenomena happening on the level of sounds appearing in combinations
  • homogeneity and diversity of consonants’ groups in terms of voice
  • pronunciation of so-called nasals in Polish language: consonantal nasality, vocal nasality, word-final position, denazalization
  • pronunciation o double sounds
  • stress and intonation in Polish language, intonation emotionality and its influence on the meaning of the utterance
  • pronunciation standards and customs – creating norms; changes in pronunciation appearing during thousand years
  • correct Polish pronunciation dictionaries and guide books
  • creating and doing exercises in pronunciation (to practice specific sounds, combinations etc.); synopses of lectures devoted to pronunciation

Basic literature:

Karczmarczuk B., Wymowa polska z ćwiczeniami, Lublin 1987.
Krzyżyk D., Ćwiczenia ortograficzne dla obcokrajowców – różne typy dyktand, w: Sztuka czy rzemiosło? Nauczyć Polski i polskiego, red. A. Achtelik,
J. Tambor, Katowice 2007.
Milewski S, Lingwistyczne i dydaktyczne aspekty analizy fonemowej, Lublin 1999.
Ostaszewska D., Tambor J., Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego. Warszawa (wydanie dowolne).
Steffen-Batogowa M., Struktura akcentowa języka polskiego. Warszawa-Poznań 2000.
Steffen-Batogowa M., Automatyzacja transkrypcji fonematycznej tekstów polskich. Warszawa 1975.
Tambor J., Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego. Ćwiczenia, Warszawa 2007.
Wacławek M., Samogłoskowe problemy polszczyzny (emisja głosu, prawidła wymowy w świetle nauczania JpjO), w: Sztuka czy rzemiosło? Nauczyć Polski i polskiego, red. A. Achtelik, J. Tambor, Katowice 2007.
Poradniki i podręczniki logopedyczne.