Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching (the Basics of Glottodidactics)

Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching (the Basics of Glottodidactics)

(by Joanna Lesiewicz)


  • latest tendencies in teaching foreign languages, pointing at methodology sources
  • methods of teaching foreign languages, differences between conventional and unconventional methods (communicative method, grammar-translation method etc.)
  • learner’s communicative and linguistic competence, ways of developing them, specificity of classroom situation in the context of communicative teaching, an outline of main problems in case of classroom situation
  • presentation of communicative method on the basis of analysis of English lesson carried out by means of that method
  • methods of teaching writing and reading skills used in contemporary glottodydactics

Basic literature:

Hanna Komorowska: Metodyka nauczania języków obcych, Warszawa 1999.