Methods of Teaching Culture and Language among Children and Teenagers

Methods of Teaching Culture and Language among Children and Teenagers

(by Bernadeta Szamburska-Niesporek)

Issues brought up during classes circle around theoretical aspects: ways of existing the literature for children and teenagers as a separate category (modification in the field of literary communication compared with literature for adults) and examples of literary works (text existence and interpretations)


  • unique adresser – receiver relations in adults-child relationship, receiver’s age criteria and psychological factors in literature assessment, etc.
    nature of child literature (didactic, ludic, autothelic, therapeutic), distinctive features, categories, genres and literary topos
  • historico-literary conditions of ‘separate’ literature: sources and prototypes of literature for children, outstanding writers and texts in Polish and European tradition, changes and turning points in the sphere of such literature and their determinants
  • the actual state of research on literature for young receiver, methods to activate young receiver
  • analysis and interpretation of chosen works, representing different literary genres, such as:
  1. fairy tale (its distinctive features, types, psychological problems of perception by children, fairy tales by Andersen as an example of classic epic tales, children literary education by means of fairy tales, contemporary tales transformation and reinterpretation phenomena)
  2. poetry (taking into consideration historico-literary, genological and language perspective with showing current trends and tendencies basing on the most outstanding poets of the 20th century)
  3. chosen literary works belonging to one genre or sub-genre of epic for teenagers

Basic literature:

Adamczykowa Z., Literatura dla dzieci. Funkcje – kategorie – gatunki, Warszawa, wyd. II – 2004.
Książka dziecięca 1990-2005. Konteksty kultury popularnej i literatury wysokiej, red. G. Leszczyński, Warszawa 2006.
Niesporek-Szamburska B., Możliwości wykorzystania literatury „osobnej” wśród dzieci uczących się języka polskiego, w: Sztuka czy rzemiosło? Nauczyć Polski i polskiego, red. A. Achtelik, J. Tambor, Katowice 2007.
Poezja dla dzieci. Antologia form i tematów, oprac. R. Waksmund, Wrocław 1987 (wyd. II – 1999).
Słownik literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej, red. B. Tylicka i G. Leszczyński, Wrocław 2002.
Waksmund R., Od literatury dla dzieci do literatury dziecięcej. Tematy – gatunki – konteksty, Wrocław 2000.
Ponadto publikacje: J. Papuzińskiej, B. Tylickiej, G. Leszczyńskiego, A. Baluch, B. Żurakowskiego, J. Ługowskiej i inne.